Recommend a Retailer or Partner

Nominations open August 26, 2024 and close October 18, 2024

Do you know a vendor that deserves recognition?

These awards highlight innovations of excellence. Do you know a vendor who's got what it takes? Let us know!

Recognize outstanding achievements with these prestigious awards. Share your recommendations for vendors who excel in their field - we're eager to discover more!


In the spirit of partnership

While the VIP Awards principally celebrate the solution providers, the retailers that operate in the spirit of partnership, taking down barriers to transparent and honest communication, and mentoring their peers and teams to do the same, are also critical to success.

The Retail Partner: Person of the Year Award recognizes the executive in retail that is a pioneer and innovator.

What makes a Retailer of the Year?

He or she is a leader who leaves a path for others to follow and embodies the Vendors in Partnership mission in how they work with their partners, demonstrating vulnerability and trust as they come equally to the table and establish successful long-term partnerships. This executive also demonstrates to those they lead, how all boats rise in a committed partnership, enabling future leaders to further advance effective business relationships for mutual benefit.

To put forward a retail executive for nomination, fill out the details in the form below.

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